Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki

This is my DragonSona, and under no circumstances will she be stolen or copied.


Tundra has gray scales that fade into gray-gold. She has light tan wing skins with a gray wing frame. She has a sail on her head, a little lighter than her wings. She has silver horns with blue dapples and tips, and dark blue eyes. She has a horn on the end of her muzzle, and a venomous barb at the end of her tail. She is thin, but she isn’t that fit, and is sometimes a big clumsy. She is a fast flyer, but a slow runner, and trips a lot, though she loves to run on the beach. She has long legs and huge wings, but she’d do just fine with short wings and short legs, other dragons, on the other talon, would love to be as tall as her, but Tundra doesn’t really appreciate it much. It may be modesty, but it most likely is laziness.


Tundra is sometimes moody, but most often happy when she is with Shadow and Clover. She loves her friends, and her family, though she gets along with her friends better. She is a little lazy (Shhh) but otherwise healthy, strong, and smart. Math is not her strong suit, but she loves reading and doing art. Her friends say she is the best artist they’ve seen yet, and Tundra always smiles and says, ”You need to get out more often.” Which isn’t offensive to dragons she knows because that’s her usual comeback. She’s sarcastic, sure, but she‘s mostly kind and loving, and always comes through. She can sometimes be stand-offish and arrogant, but ask her to do something and she’ll get to it...



Tundra is strong, that’s good. Sneaky, be able to steal keys to secret rooms at her school. She can breath hot Frostbreath, and, yes, it may sound weak, but tell me that after you get a 3rd degree burn from it! She has a venomous barbed tail that can’t kill, unless you don’t have the cure. I’m not allowed to tell you what it is, I’m sorry. (It’s Tree Sap, shhhh) And she can kill if she needs, though that probably won’t happen.


Family: Tundra gets in fights with her parents and annoying sister VERY often, no matter how stupid. She doesn’t like being told what to do, and doesn’t like annoying things. Even though she fights with them a lot, she loves them

Shadow: Shadow is sarcastic, a little weird, shy, and might be evil. She’s a NightWing, and Tundra’s best friend. They both are in the Silver Winglet, along with Clover, her other best friend.

Clover: Clover is a kind, easygoing RainWing who loves nature and plants. That’s the reason Tundra, her, and Shadow became friends, because of their love and nature. And maybe because they were in the same winglet and the other dragons in their winglet were jerks.


For 2 years of her life, Tundra lived with her 1 year old sister and her parents in Possibility, her father was a blacksmith and her mother was a baker. They were peaceful and happy until Tundra became 3, then they said, “It’s time for you to go to school.” Then they picked a school, Jade Mountain Academy, after a while of searching. She loved it. She met her best friends there, and was happy, finally.

